“Curious Souls Get Together”- 5th meeting

Dear Curious Souls,

We held our 5th meeting on March 3,2013 at the “İstanbul Sailing Club” in Fenerbahçe. On this occasion,  I would like to thank the Club for the courtesy they extended to us by hosting our meeting without requiring any fee from us.iyk_sosyal_tesis_goeruentueleri_20130130_2072366796


At our meeting, we watched the following TED Talks together:

Raghakava KK: Shake up your story”

Street Artist JR: “One year of turning the world inside out”

Elif Şafak: ” The politics of Fiction”

Our friend Anna moderated our discussions on the interesting talk of Elif Shafak and I thank Anna for it.


Thandie Newton: “Embracing otherness, embracing myself”

Our friend Karen moderated our discussions on this topic. It was a bit challenging for Karen as I aksed if she would like to moderate or not at the last minute. She very kindly accepted. Thank you Karen!


Zeynep, Gülay and Karen

Frank Warren: “Half a Million Secrets.”

After our discussions, we continued  the evening together with a very fun dinner. Although we spent hours together, it seemed that our discussions never come to an end. It is really quite enjoyable to be among souls that are interested and curious about the world 🙂

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I would like to thank all who joined our enjoyable event and contributed with their presence.  I hope to see you all soon.

With my kind  regards

Isil the Curious Souls 🙂

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